
Play a MIDI file from the MidiDB. This class must be used with the prefab MidiFilePlayer.
See "Midi File Setup" in the Unity menu MPTK for adding MIDI in MidiDB.

Inheritance diagram for MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer:
MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth MidiPlayerTK.MidiExternalPlayer MidiPlayerTK.MidiSpatializer

Public Types

enum  ModeStopPlay { StopNoWaiting , StopWhenAllVoicesReleased , StopWhenAllVoicesEnded }
 Defined the behavior of the MIDI player when playback is stopped with MPTK_Stop or restarted when the last MIDI events is reached and MPTK_MidiAutoRestart is set to true. See also MPTK_ModeStopVoice More...
- Public Types inherited from MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth
enum  ModeSpatializer { Channel , Track }

Public Member Functions

MidiLoad MPTK_Load ()
MidiLoad MPTK_Load (string uri)
void MPTK_Next ()
MPTKEvent.EnumLength MPTK_NoteLength (MPTKEvent note)
void MPTK_Pause (float timeToPauseMS=-1f)
virtual void MPTK_Play (bool alreadyLoaded=false)
void MPTK_Play (byte[] data)
virtual void MPTK_Play (float delayRampUp, float startDelay=0)
void MPTK_Play (MPTKWriter mfw2, float delayRampUp=0f, float fromPosition=0, float toPosition=0, long fromTick=0, long toTick=0, bool timePosition=true)
void MPTK_PlayNextOrPrevious (int offset)
void MPTK_Previous ()
List< MPTKEventMPTK_ReadMidiEvents (long fromTicks=0, long toTicks=long.MaxValue)
void MPTK_RePlay ()
void MPTK_ResetTranspose ()
 Force all notes to return to their original values before transposing.
Useful when looping on a MIDI with a transpose value different than 0. When returning to 0 (no transpose) the note value can be reset to their original value. More...
bool MPTK_SearchMidiToPlay (string searchPartOfName)
void MPTK_SortEvents ()
void MPTK_Stop (bool stopAllSound=true, float wait=0f)
virtual void MPTK_Stop (float delayRampDown, float stopDelay=0)
void MPTK_SwitchMidiWithDelay (int index, string name, float volume, float delayToStopMillisecond, float delayToStartMillisecond)
void MPTK_UnPause ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth
void MPTK_ClearAllSound (bool destroyAudioSource=false, int _idSession=-1)
void MPTK_DebugActiveVoice ()
void MPTK_InitSynth (int channelCount=16, bool preserveChannelInfo=false)
void MPTK_PlayDirectEvent (MPTKEvent midiEvent, bool playNoteOff=true)
void MPTK_ResetStat ()
void MPTK_StartSequencerMidi ()
void MPTK_StartSynth ()
void MPTK_StopDirectEvent (MPTKEvent midiEvent)
void MPTK_StopSynth ()
IEnumerator MPTK_WaitAllNotesOff (int _idSession=-1)
delegate void OnAudioFrameStartHandler (double synthTime)

Public Attributes

MPTKInnerLoop MPTK_InnerLoop
bool MPTK_LogLoadEvents
ModeStopPlay MPTK_ModeStopVoice
bool MPTK_PauseOnFocusLoss
bool MPTK_StartPlayAtFirstNote
LoadingStatusMidiEnum MPTK_StatusLastMidiLoaded
bool MPTK_StopPlayOnLastNote
string MPTK_WebRequestError
 Contains the error from the web request when loading MIDI from an URL
EventEndMidiClass OnEventEndPlayMidi
EventNotesMidiClass OnEventNotesMidi
EventStartMidiClass OnEventStartPlayMidi
- Public Attributes inherited from MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth
bool MPTK_ApplyModLfo
bool MPTK_ApplyRealTimeModulator
bool MPTK_ApplyVibLfo
bool MPTK_AudioSettingFromUnity
bool MPTK_AutoBuffer = true
int MPTK_AutoCleanVoiceLimit
bool MPTK_CorePlayer
float MPTK_CutOffVolume = 0.0001f
bool MPTK_DirectSendToPlayer
MPTKEffectSoundFont MPTK_EffectSoundFont
MPTKEffectUnity MPTK_EffectUnity
 Unlike SoundFont effects, they applied to the whole player. On the other hand, the Unity effects parameters are rich and, obviously based on Uniy algo!
Only most important effect are integrated in Maestro: Reverb and Chorus. On need, others effects could be added. More...
bool MPTK_EnableChangeTempo
bool MPTK_EnableFreeSynthRate = false
bool MPTK_EnablePanChange
bool MPTK_EnablePresetDrum
int MPTK_InstrumentNum
bool MPTK_KillByExclusiveClass = true
float MPTK_LeanSynthStarting = 0.05f
bool MPTK_LogEvents
bool MPTK_LogWave
bool MPTK_ReleaseSameNote = true
uint MPTK_ReleaseTimeMin = 500000
float MPTK_ReleaseTimeMod = 1f
bool MPTK_SpatialSynthEnabled
int MPTK_StatVoiceCountActive
int MPTK_StatVoiceCountFree
int MPTK_StatVoiceCountPlaying
int MPTK_StatVoiceCountReused
int MPTK_StatVoicePlayed
int MPTK_StatVoiceRatioReused
int MPTK_ThreadMidiWait = 10
bool MPTK_WeakDevice
Action< int, long, int, int > OnBeatEvent
 Action is executed at each beat and received these parameters: More...
EventSynthClass OnEventSynthAwake
EventSynthClass OnEventSynthStarted
Func< MPTKEvent, bool > OnMidiEvent


MPTKChannels MPTK_Channels [get]
 Description and list of MIDI Channels associated to the MIDI synth.
Each MIDI synth has 16 channels that carry all the relevant MIDI information. More...
string MPTK_Copyright [get]
int MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote [get]
TimeSpan MPTK_Duration [get]
float MPTK_DurationMS [get]
bool MPTK_ExtendedText [get, set]
bool MPTK_IsPaused [get]
bool MPTK_IsPlaying [get]
bool MPTK_KeepEndTrack [get, set]
bool MPTK_KeepNoteOff [get, set]
MPTKEvent MPTK_LastEventPlayed [get]
bool MPTK_Loop [get, set]
bool MPTK_MidiAutoRestart [get, set]
List< MPTKEventMPTK_MidiEvents [get]
int MPTK_MidiIndex [get, set]
MidiLoad MPTK_MidiLoaded [get]
virtual string MPTK_MidiName [get, set]
bool MPTK_PlayOnStart [get, set]
TimeSpan MPTK_PlayTime [get]
double MPTK_Position [get, set]
double MPTK_PositionFirstNote [get]
double MPTK_PositionLastNote [get]
string MPTK_ProgramName [get]
double MPTK_Pulse [get]
int MPTK_Quantization [get, set]
bool MPTK_RawSeek [get, set]
double MPTK_RealTime [get]
string MPTK_SequenceTrackName [get]
float MPTK_Speed [get, set]
double MPTK_Tempo [get, set]
string MPTK_TextEvent [get]
long MPTK_TickCurrent [get, set]
long MPTK_TickFirstNote [get]
long MPTK_TickLast [get]
long MPTK_TickLastNote [get]
int MPTK_TrackCount [get]
string MPTK_TrackInstrumentName [get]
- Properties inherited from MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth
int MPTK_IndexSynthBuffSize [get, set]
int MPTK_IndexSynthRate [get, set]
string MPTK_InstrumentPlayed [get]
bool MPTK_IsSpatialSynthMaster [get]
bool MPTK_KeepPlayingNonLooped [get, set]
float MPTK_MaxDistance [get, set]
bool MPTK_PauseOnDistance [get, set]
bool MPTK_Spatialize [get, set]
int MPTK_SpatialSynthIndex [get]
int MPTK_SynthRate [get, set]
int MPTK_ThreadMidiPriority [get, set]
string MPTK_TrackName [get]
int MPTK_TransExcludedChannel [get, set]
int MPTK_Transpose [get, set]
float MPTK_Volume [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth
const float FLUID_CHORUS_DEFAULT_DEPTH = 4.25f
const float FLUID_REVERB_DEFAULT_DAMP = 0.3f
static List< MidiFilePlayerSpatialSynths
- Events inherited from MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth
OnAudioFrameStartHandler OnAudioFrameStart

Detailed Description

Play a MIDI file from the MidiDB. This class must be used with the prefab MidiFilePlayer.
See "Midi File Setup" in the Unity menu MPTK for adding MIDI in MidiDB.


There is no need to writing a script. For a simple usage, all the job can be done in the prefab inspector.
For more information see here https://paxstellar.fr/midi-file-player-detailed-view-2/
But for specific interactions, this class can be useful. Some use cases:

// This example randomly select a MIDI to play.
using MidiPlayerTK; // Add a reference to the MPTK namespace at the top of your script
using UnityEngine;
public class YourClass : MonoBehaviour
// See TestMidiFilePlayerScripting.cs for a more detailed usage of this class.
public void RandomPlay()
// Need a reference to the prefab MidiFilePlayer that you have added in your scene hierarchy.
MidiFilePlayer midiFilePlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
// Random select for the Midi
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_ListMidi.Count);
// Play! How to make more simple?
Play a MIDI file from the MidiDB. This class must be used with the prefab MidiFilePlayer....
Definition: MidiFilePlayer.cs:69
virtual void MPTK_Play(bool alreadyLoaded=false)
Definition: MidiFilePlayer.cs:1094
Singleton class to manage all globales MPTK features. More information here: https://paxstellar....
Definition: MidiPlayerGlobal.cs:16
static List< MPTKListItem > MPTK_ListMidi
Definition: MidiPlayerGlobal.cs:377
Definition: MidiFileEditorPlayer.cs:6

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ModeStopPlay

Defined the behavior of the MIDI player when playback is stopped with MPTK_Stop or restarted when the last MIDI events is reached and MPTK_MidiAutoRestart is set to true. See also MPTK_ModeStopVoice

  • The time at which OnEventEndPlayMidi is triggered is linked to this parameter.
  • No impact on MPTK_Duration, remains the same including the duration of the last note.

Stop immediately (a short delay could occurs related to the Unity FPS).


Stop when all notes enter in the release phase (when note-of occurs or the duration is reaches).


Stop when all notes are in the ended phase (after the release phase). This delay is dependent of the instrument. A drum has a short release phase, a piano a medium delay, a tubular bells a very long delay.

Member Function Documentation

◆ MPTK_Load() [1/2]

MidiLoad MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Load ( )

Load the midi file defined with MPTK_MidiName or MPTK_MidiIndex. It's an optional action before playing a midi file with MPTK_Play()
Use this method to get all MIDI events before start playing.

  • Logs are displayed in case of error.
  • Look at MPTK_StatusLastMidiLoaded for load status information.
  • Look at MPTK_MidiLoaded for detailed information about the MIDI loaded.
    public class LoadMidiAndPlay : MonoBehaviour
    // This demo enables you to load a MIDI file before playing it, modify some MIDI events, and then play the modified MIDI.
    // It also demonstrates how to change the tempo using three methods:
    // 1) From the MidiFilePlayer inspector, under the "Show MIDI Parameters" tab, adjust the speed (default is 1).
    // 2) Programmatically, at any time when the MIDI is playing, change the tempo using midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Tempo = bpm (bpm must be > 0).
    // 3) Programmatically, load the MIDI, modify the MIDI tempo events, and then play.
    // This demo showcases the third method.
    // In your Unity scene:
    // - Add a MidiFilePlayer prefab to your scene.
    // - In the MidiFilePlayer inspector:
    // - Select the MIDI file you wish to load.
    // - Uncheck "Automatic MIDI Start".
    // - Attach this script to an existing GameObject (whether empty or not).
    // MPTK component for playing a MIDI file.
    // You can set it in the inspector or let this script find it automatically.
    public MidiFilePlayer midiFilePlayer;
    private void Awake()
    // Find a MidiFilePlayer added to the scene or set it directly in the inspector.
    if (midiFilePlayer == null)
    midiFilePlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
    void Start()
    if (midiFilePlayer == null)
    Debug.LogWarning("No MidiFilePlayer Prefab found in the current Scene Hierarchy. See 'Maestro / Add Prefab' in the menu.");
    // Index of the MIDI file from the MIDI database (find it using 'Midi File Setup' from the Maestro menu).
    // Optionally, the MIDI file to load can also be defined in the inspector. Uncomment to select the MIDI programmatically.
    // midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiIndex = 0;
    // Load the MIDI without playing it.
    MidiLoad midiloaded = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Load();
    if (midiloaded != null)
    Debug.Log($"Duration: {midiloaded.MPTK_Duration.TotalSeconds} seconds, Initial Tempo: {midiloaded.MPTK_InitialTempo}, MIDI Event Count: {midiloaded.MPTK_ReadMidiEvents().Count}");
    foreach (MPTKEvent mptkEvent in midiloaded.MPTK_MidiEvents)
    if (mptkEvent.Command == MPTKCommand.MetaEvent && mptkEvent.Meta == MPTKMeta.SetTempo)
    // The value contains Microseconds Per Beat, convert it to BPM for clarity.
    double bpm = MPTKEvent.QuarterPerMicroSecond2BeatPerMinute(mptkEvent.Value);
    // Double the tempo and convert back to Microseconds Per Beat.
    mptkEvent.Value = MPTKEvent.BeatPerMinute2QuarterPerMicroSecond(bpm * 2);
    Debug.Log($" Tempo doubled at tick position {mptkEvent.Tick} and {mptkEvent.RealTime / 1000f:F2} seconds. New tempo: {MPTKEvent.QuarterPerMicroSecond2BeatPerMinute(mptkEvent.Value)} BPM");
    // Start playback.
    midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Play(alreadyLoaded: true);
    MidiLoad MPTK_Load()
    Definition: MidiFilePlayer.cs:1369
    Definition: MPTKEnum.cs:321
    Definition: MPTKEnum.cs:12

MidiLoad to access all the properties of the midi loaded, null in case of error look at MPTK_StatusLastMidiLoaded

◆ MPTK_Load() [2/2]

MidiLoad MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Load ( string  uri)

Load a MIDI file from a local desktop file. Example of path:

  • Mac: "/Users/xxx/Desktop/WellTempered.mid"
  • Windows: "C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\BIM\Sound\Midi\DreamOn.mid"
  • Logs are displayed in case of error.
  • Look at MPTK_StatusLastMidiLoaded for load status information.
  • Look at MPTK_MidiLoaded for detailed information about the MIDI loaded.
    Maestro Pro
uriuri or path to the midi file
MidiLoad to access all the properties of the midi loaded or null in case of error

◆ MPTK_Next()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Next ( )

Play next MIDI from the list of midi defined in MPTK (see Unity menu Midi)

◆ MPTK_NoteLength()

MPTKEvent.EnumLength MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_NoteLength ( MPTKEvent  note)

Return note length as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Note_value


◆ MPTK_Pause()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Pause ( float  timeToPauseMS = -1f)

Pause the current playing

timeToPauseMStime to pause in milliseconds. default or < 0 : indefinitely

◆ MPTK_Play() [1/4]

virtual void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Play ( bool  alreadyLoaded = false)

Play the midi file defined with MPTK_MidiName or MPTK_MidiIndex. In the most part of the case, just call midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Play() in your script. But sometimes, you want to apply some changes on the MIDI file before playing it. The script example bellow describes how to load a MIDI file, apply some changes and play it. Thank to the parameter 'alreadyLoaded'. When true, the MIDI has been already loaded with MPTK_Load()

public class LoadMidiAndPlay : MonoBehaviour
// This demo enables you to load a MIDI file before playing it, modify some MIDI events, and then play the modified MIDI.
// It also demonstrates how to change the tempo using three methods:
// 1) From the MidiFilePlayer inspector, under the "Show MIDI Parameters" tab, adjust the speed (default is 1).
// 2) Programmatically, at any time when the MIDI is playing, change the tempo using midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Tempo = bpm (bpm must be > 0).
// 3) Programmatically, load the MIDI, modify the MIDI tempo events, and then play.
// This demo showcases the third method.
// In your Unity scene:
// - Add a MidiFilePlayer prefab to your scene.
// - In the MidiFilePlayer inspector:
// - Select the MIDI file you wish to load.
// - Uncheck "Automatic MIDI Start".
// - Attach this script to an existing GameObject (whether empty or not).
// MPTK component for playing a MIDI file.
// You can set it in the inspector or let this script find it automatically.
public MidiFilePlayer midiFilePlayer;
private void Awake()
// Find a MidiFilePlayer added to the scene or set it directly in the inspector.
if (midiFilePlayer == null)
midiFilePlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
void Start()
if (midiFilePlayer == null)
Debug.LogWarning("No MidiFilePlayer Prefab found in the current Scene Hierarchy. See 'Maestro / Add Prefab' in the menu.");
// Index of the MIDI file from the MIDI database (find it using 'Midi File Setup' from the Maestro menu).
// Optionally, the MIDI file to load can also be defined in the inspector. Uncomment to select the MIDI programmatically.
// midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiIndex = 0;
// Load the MIDI without playing it.
MidiLoad midiloaded = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Load();
if (midiloaded != null)
Debug.Log($"Duration: {midiloaded.MPTK_Duration.TotalSeconds} seconds, Initial Tempo: {midiloaded.MPTK_InitialTempo}, MIDI Event Count: {midiloaded.MPTK_ReadMidiEvents().Count}");
foreach (MPTKEvent mptkEvent in midiloaded.MPTK_MidiEvents)
if (mptkEvent.Command == MPTKCommand.MetaEvent && mptkEvent.Meta == MPTKMeta.SetTempo)
// The value contains Microseconds Per Beat, convert it to BPM for clarity.
double bpm = MPTKEvent.QuarterPerMicroSecond2BeatPerMinute(mptkEvent.Value);
// Double the tempo and convert back to Microseconds Per Beat.
mptkEvent.Value = MPTKEvent.BeatPerMinute2QuarterPerMicroSecond(bpm * 2);
Debug.Log($" Tempo doubled at tick position {mptkEvent.Tick} and {mptkEvent.RealTime / 1000f:F2} seconds. New tempo: {MPTKEvent.QuarterPerMicroSecond2BeatPerMinute(mptkEvent.Value)} BPM");
// Start playback.
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Play(alreadyLoaded: true);
alreadyLoadedtrue: the MIDI has already been loaded (see MPTK_Load() v2.9.0

Reimplemented in MidiPlayerTK.MidiExternalPlayer.

◆ MPTK_Play() [2/4]

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Play ( byte[]  data)

Play the midi file from a byte array.
Look at MPTK_StatusLastMidiLoaded to get status.

Maestro Pro
// Example of using with Windows or MACOs
using (Stream fsMidi = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
byte[] data = new byte[fsMidi.Length];
fsMidi.Read(data, 0, (int) fsMidi.Length);

◆ MPTK_Play() [3/4]

virtual void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Play ( float  delayRampUp,
float  startDelay = 0 

Play the midi file defined with MPTK_MidiName or MPTK_MidiIndex with ramp-up to the volume defined with MPTK_Volume.
The time to get a MIDI playing at full MPTK_Volume is delayRampUp + startDelay.
A delayed start can also be set.

Maestro Pro
delayRampUpramp-up delay in milliseconds to get the default volume
startDelaydelayed start in milliseconds V2.89.1

◆ MPTK_Play() [4/4]

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Play ( MPTKWriter  mfw2,
float  delayRampUp = 0f,
float  fromPosition = 0,
float  toPosition = 0,
long  fromTick = 0,
long  toTick = 0,
bool  timePosition = true 

Play the midi from a MidiFileWriter2 object

Maestro Pro
private void PlayDirectlyMidiSequence(string name, MPTKWriter mfw)
// Play MIDI with the MidiExternalPlay prefab without saving MIDI in a file
MidiFilePlayer midiPlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
if (midiPlayer == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Can't find a MidiFilePlayer Prefab in the current Scene Hierarchy. Add it with the MPTK menu.");
mfw.MidiName = name;
midiPlayer.OnEventStartPlayMidi.AddListener((string midiname) =>
startPlaying = DateTime.Now;
Debug.Log($"Start playing '{midiname}'");
midiPlayer.OnEventEndPlayMidi.AddListener((string midiname, EventEndMidiEnum reason) =>
Debug.Log($"End playing '{midiname}' {reason} Real Duration={(DateTime.Now - startPlaying).TotalSeconds:F3} seconds");
midiPlayer.OnEventNotesMidi.AddListener((List<MPTKEvent> events) =>
foreach (MPTKEvent midievent in events)
Debug.Log($"At {midievent.RealTime:F1} \t\t{midievent}");
// In case of an inner loop has been defined in a Meta
midiPlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.OnEventInnerLoop = (MPTKInnerLoop.InnerLoopPhase mode, long tickPlayer, long tickSeek, int count) =>
Debug.Log($"Inner Loop {mode} - MPTK_TickPlayer:{tickPlayer} --> TickSeek:{tickSeek} Count:{count}/{midiPlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.Max}");
return true;
// Sort the events by ascending absolute time
// Calculate time, measure and quarter for each events
mfw.CalculateTiming(logPerf: true);
//midiPlayer.MPTK_InitSynth(channelCount: 128);
midiPlayer.MPTK_MidiAutoRestart = midiAutoRestart;
midiPlayer.MPTK_Play(mfw2: mfw);
Create, build, write, import, play MIDI by script. See full example with these scripts:
Definition: MPTKWriter.cs:27
void CalculateTiming(bool logPerf=false, bool logDebug=false)
Definition: MPTKWriter.cs:1115
void StableSortEvents(bool logPerf=false)
Definition: MPTKWriter.cs:1079
void MPTK_Stop(bool stopAllSound=true, float wait=0f)
Definition: MidiFilePlayer.cs:1158
EventEndMidiClass OnEventEndPlayMidi
Definition: MidiFilePlayer.cs:849
EventStartMidiClass OnEventStartPlayMidi
Definition: MidiFilePlayer.cs:809
EventNotesMidiClass OnEventNotesMidi
Definition: MidiFilePlayer.cs:763
mfw2aMidiFileWriter2 object

◆ MPTK_PlayNextOrPrevious()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_PlayNextOrPrevious ( int  offset)

Play next or previous Midi from the MidiDB list.

Maestro Pro
offsetForward or backward count in the list. 1:the next, -1:the previous

◆ MPTK_Previous()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Previous ( )

Play previous MIDI from the list of midi defined in MPTK (see Unity menu Midi)

◆ MPTK_ReadMidiEvents()

List< MPTKEvent > MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_ReadMidiEvents ( long  fromTicks = 0,
long  toTicks = long.MaxValue 

Read the list of midi events available in the MIDI from a ticks tick to an end tick.

private void TheMostSimpleDemoForMidiPlayer()
MidiFilePlayer midiplayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
if (midiplayer == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Can't find a MidiFilePlayer Prefab in the current Scene Hierarchy. Add it with the MPTK menu.");
// Index of the midi from the Midi DB (find it with 'Midi File Setup' from the menu MPTK)
midiplayer.MPTK_MidiIndex = 10;
// Open and load the Midi
if (midiplayer.MPTK_Load() != null)
// Read midi event to a List<>
List<MPTKEvent> mptkEvents = midiplayer.MPTK_ReadMidiEvents(1000, 10000);
// Loop on each Midi events
foreach (MPTKEvent mptkEvent in mptkEvents)
// Log if event is a note on
if (mptkEvent.Command == MPTKCommand.NoteOn)
Debug.Log($"Note on Time:{mptkEvent.RealTime} millisecond Note:{mptkEvent.Value} Duration:{mptkEvent.Duration} millisecond Velocity:{mptkEvent.Velocity}");
// Uncomment to display all Midi events
Description of a MIDI Event. It's the heart of MPTK! Essential to handling MIDI by script from all ot...
Definition: MPTKEvent.cs:45
MPTKCommand Command
Definition: MPTKEvent.cs:99
List< MPTKEvent > MPTK_ReadMidiEvents(long fromTicks=0, long toTicks=long.MaxValue)
Definition: MidiFilePlayer.cs:1413
fromTicksticks start, default 0
toTicksticks end, default end of MIDI file

◆ MPTK_RePlay()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_RePlay ( )

Restart playing of the current midi file

◆ MPTK_ResetTranspose()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_ResetTranspose ( )

Force all notes to return to their original values before transposing.
Useful when looping on a MIDI with a transpose value different than 0. When returning to 0 (no transpose) the note value can be reset to their original value.


◆ MPTK_SearchMidiToPlay()

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_SearchMidiToPlay ( string  searchPartOfName)

Find a Midi in the Unity resources folder MidiDB which contains searchPartOfName in it's name (case sensitive).
Set MPTK_MidiIndex and MPTK_MidiName if the MIDI has been found

  • Add Midi files to your project with the Unity menu Maestro.
Maestro Pro
// Find the first Midi file name in MidiDB which contains "Adagio in it's name"
if (midiFilePlayer.MPTK_SearchMidiToPlay("Adagio"))
Debug.Log($"MPTK_SearchMidiToPlay: {MPTK_MidiIndex} {MPTK_MidiName}");
// And play it
searchPartOfNamePart of MIDI name to search in MIDI list (case sensitive)
true if found else false

◆ MPTK_SortEvents()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_SortEvents ( )

MIDI list events must be sorted by ticks before playing. It's mandatory if the list is modified.

2.0.0 - Maestro Pro
private void OnGUI_ModifyMidiAndPlay()
HelperDemo.GUI_Horizontal(HelperDemo.Zone.BEGIN, myStyle.BacgDemosLight);
HelperDemo.GUI_Vertical(HelperDemo.Zone.BEGIN, myStyle.BacgDemosLight);
GUILayout.Label("It's possible to change the MIDI events before playing. This demo loads the selected MIDI, adds some notes and plays the MIDI without reloading it. Result not guaranteed!", myStyle.TitleLabel3);
countNoteToInsert = (int)HelperDemo.GUI_Slider("Count notes to insert:", (float)countNoteToInsert, 1, 100,
alignCaptionRight: false, enableButton: true, widthCaption: 170, widthSlider: 250, widthLabelValue: 50);
tickPositionToInsert = (long)HelperDemo.GUI_Slider("Tick position to insert:", (long)tickPositionToInsert, 0, (long)midiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickLast,
alignCaptionRight: false, enableButton: true, widthCaption: 170, widthSlider: 250, widthLabelValue: 50);
long quarterPosition = tickPositionToInsert / midiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote;
long newQuarter = (long)HelperDemo.GUI_Slider("Tick position by quarter:", (long)quarterPosition, 0, (long)midiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickLast / midiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote,
alignCaptionRight: false, enableButton: true, widthCaption: 170, widthSlider: 250, widthLabelValue: 50);
if (newQuarter != quarterPosition)
quarterPosition = newQuarter;
tickPositionToInsert = quarterPosition * midiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote;
channelToInsert = (int)HelperDemo.GUI_Slider("Channel to insert:", channelToInsert, 0, 15,
alignCaptionRight: false, enableButton: true, widthCaption: 170, widthSlider: 250, widthLabelValue: 50);
HelperDemo.GUI_Horizontal(HelperDemo.Zone.BEGIN, null, GUILayout.Width(500));
clearNote = GUILayout.Toggle(clearNote, "Clear MIDI list before inserting");
randomNote = GUILayout.Toggle(randomNote, "Random Note");
randomDuration = GUILayout.Toggle(randomDuration, "Random Duration");
calculateTiming = GUILayout.Toggle(calculateTiming, "Timing Recalculation");
if (GUILayout.Button("Insert And Play", GUILayout.Width(120)))
// Better to stop playing.
// There is no need of note-off events.
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_KeepNoteOff = false;
// MPTK_MidiName must contains the name of the MIDI to load.
if (midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Load() != null)
Debug.Log($"Duration: {midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Duration.TotalSeconds} seconds");
Debug.Log($"Count MIDI Events: {midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiEvents.Count}");
if (clearNote)
// Insert weird notes in this beautiful MIDI!
// ------------------------------------------
long tickToInsert = tickPositionToInsert;
for (int insertNote = 0; insertNote < countNoteToInsert; insertNote++)
int note;
if (randomNote)
note = UnityEngine.Random.Range(50, 73); // Random notes between 48 (C4) and 72 (C6)
note = 60 + insertNote % 12; // Hust a remap of notes!
int eightCount; // How many eight duration to generate
if (randomDuration)
eightCount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 9); // max 8, so a whole note
eightCount = 2; // a quarter
int tickDuration = eightCount * midiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote;
// Add a note
new MPTKEvent()
Channel = channelToInsert,
Command = MPTKCommand.NoteOn,
Value = note,
Length = tickDuration,
Duration = (long)(tickDuration * midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Pulse), // Transform ticks to millisecond
Tick = tickToInsert,
// Add a text
new MPTKEvent()
Command = MPTKCommand.MetaEvent,
Meta = MPTKMeta.TextEvent,
Info = $"Add a weird note {HelperNoteLabel.LabelFromMidi(note)}",
Tick = tickToInsert,
// Move to the next insert, add length of note added.
tickToInsert += tickDuration;
// New events has been inserted, MIDI events list must be sorted by tick value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (calculateTiming)
// Timing recalculation is not useful for all use cases.
// Avoid if possible because this takes time and realloc data.
// Then play the event list modified (not guaranteed to be the hit of the year!)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Play(alreadyLoaded: true);
Debug.LogWarning("MIDI preload and alter MIDI events are available only with the PRO version");
if (GUILayout.Button("View MIDI events", GUILayout.Width(120)))
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiEvents.ForEach(midi => Debug.Log(midi));

◆ MPTK_Stop() [1/2]

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Stop ( bool  stopAllSound = true,
float  wait = 0f 

Stops MIDI playback and cancels all sounds. This operation is performed in the background, so MIDI may actually stop after this method returns.

stopAllSoundSet to true to stop all sounds (default), otherwise currently playing notes will continue until they finish.
waitIf greater than 0, waits until MIDI playback is fully stopped or the specified wait time (in milliseconds) is reached. Otherwise, returns immediately.

◆ MPTK_Stop() [2/2]

virtual void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Stop ( float  delayRampDown,
float  stopDelay = 0 

Stop playing within a delay. After the stop delay (0 by default), the volume decrease until the playing is stopped.
The time to get a real MIDI stop is delayRampDown + stopDelay.

Maestro Pro
delayRampDowndecrease time in millisconds
stopDelaydelayed stop in milliseconds V2.89.1

◆ MPTK_SwitchMidiWithDelay()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_SwitchMidiWithDelay ( int  index,
string  name,
float  volume,
float  delayToStopMillisecond,
float  delayToStartMillisecond 

Switch playing between two MIDIs with ramp-up.
This method is useful for an integration with Bolt: main MIDI parameters are defined in one call.

Maestro Pro
indexIndex of the MIDI to play. Index is used only if name parameter is null or empty.
nameName of the MIDI to play. Can be part of the MIDI Name. If set, this parameter has the priority over index parameter.
volumeVolume of the MIDI. -1 to not change the default volume
delayToStopMillisecondDelay to stop the current MIDI playing (with volume decrease) or delay before playing the MIDI if no MIDI is playing
delayToStartMillisecondDelay to get the MIDI at full volume (ramp-up volume)

◆ MPTK_UnPause()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_UnPause ( )

UnPause the current playing

Member Data Documentation

◆ MPTK_InnerLoop

MPTKInnerLoop MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop

Defined looping condition inside the MIDI Sequencer [Pro]. Instance is automatically created when the MidiFilePlayer prefab is loaded/n See class #MPTKInnerLoop and MPTK_RawSeek

Maestro Pro
// Full source code in TestInnerLoop.cs
// As usual with a MVP demo, focus is on the essentials:
// - no value check,
// - limited error catch,
// - no optimization,
// - limited functions
// - ...
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Find a MidiFilePlayer in the scene hierarchy
// Innerloop works also with MidiExternalPlayer
// ----------------------------------------------
midiFilePlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
if (midiFilePlayer == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Can't find a MidiFilePlayer Prefab in the current Scene Hierarchy. Add it with the Maestro menu.");
// The MPTK_InnerLoop attributes are cleared when the MIDI is loaded.
// To define the start condition, you need to define a callback function (here StartPlay)
// that will set the inner loop attributes when the MIDI is started.
// Note: with this demo the MPTK_InnerLoop attributes are defined in the Unity Update().
// So, defining the initial condition is not useful ... just for the demo!
// Event fired by MidiFilePlayer or MidiExternalPlayer instance when a midi is started.
// Useful when MPTK properties are cleared when the MIDI is loaded ... for example for MPTK_InnerLoop.
public void StartPlay(string midiname)
Debug.Log("Start Midi " + midiname + " Duration: " + midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Duration.TotalSeconds + " seconds");
// midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop is instantiated during the awake phase of the MidiFilePlayer.
// You can also instantiated or manage your own references and set midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop with your MPTKInnerLoop instance.
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.Enabled = true;
// No log from MPTK for this demo, rather we prefer to use a callback to define our own.
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.Log = false;
// Define C# event of type Func() for each loop phase change: Start --> Resume --> ... --> Resume --> Exit
// If return is false then looping can be exited earlier..
// It's also possible to set innerLoop.Finished to True anywhere in your script
// but the loop will not be finished until tickPlayer reaches the end of the loop.
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.OnEventInnerLoop = (MPTKInnerLoop.InnerLoopPhase mode, long tickPlayer, long tickSeek, int count) =>
Debug.Log($"Inner Loop {mode} - MPTK_TickPlayer:{tickPlayer} --> TickSeek:{tickSeek} Count:{count}/{midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.Max}");
if (mode == MPTKInnerLoop.InnerLoopPhase.Exit)
// Set the value for the Unity User Interface to be able to reactivate the loop.
LoopFinished = true;
return true;
// Set initial inner loop attributes
private void SetInnerLoopParameters()
// These parameters can be changed dynamically with the inspector
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.Max = LoopMax;
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.Start = TickStart;
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.Resume = TickResume;
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.End = TickEnd;
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.Finished = LoopFinished;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (midiFilePlayer != null && midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiLoaded != null)
// Display current real-time tick value of the MIDI sequencer.
TickPlayer = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_TickPlayer;
// Display tick value of the last MIDI event read by the MIDI sequencer.
TickCurrent = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_TickCurrent;
// Display current measure and beat value of the last MIDI event read by the MIDI sequencer.
MeasurePlayer = $"{midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_CurrentMeasure}.{midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_CurrentBeat} - Last measure: {midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_MeasureLastNote}";
// Set inner loop attributes from the inspector's values.
// These values are read from the inner loop instance and display on the UI.
loopEnabled = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.Enabled;
LoopCount = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_InnerLoop.Count;
// Calculate tick position of a measure (just for a demo how to calculate tick from bar).
// So, it's easy to create loop based on measure.
Tick = MPTKSignature.MeasureToTick(midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_SignMap, Measure);
// Add quarter. Beat start at the begin of the measure (Beat = 1).
Tick += (Quarter - 1) * midiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote;

◆ MPTK_LogLoadEvents

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_LogLoadEvents

If true display in console all midi events when a MIDI file is loaded.

Set to true will increase greatly the MIDI load time. To be used only for debug purpose.

◆ MPTK_ModeStopVoice

ModeStopPlay MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_ModeStopVoice

Defined the behavior of the MIDI player when playback is stopped with MPTK_Stop or restarted when the last MIDI events is reached and MPTK_MidiAutoRestart is set to true.
Code example:

midiFilePlayer.MPTK_ModeStopVoice = MidiFilePlayer.ModeStopPlay.StopWhenAllVoicesReleased;
Defined the behavior of the MIDI player when playback is stopped with MPTK_Stop or restarted when the...
Definition: MidiFilePlayer.cs:198
  • The time at which OnEventEndPlayMidi is triggered is linked to this parameter.
  • No impact on MPTK_Duration, remains the same including the duration of the last note.

◆ MPTK_PauseOnFocusLoss

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_PauseOnFocusLoss

Should the MIDI playing must be paused when the application lost the focus?

◆ MPTK_StartPlayAtFirstNote

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_StartPlayAtFirstNote

If the value is true, MIDI playing will begin at the first note found in the MIDI.

Obviously, all previous events are processed, but at the same tick as the first note-on.
Often, the first note is not set at the beginning of the MIDI file (which is tick 0), alSo there is a delay before playing the first note.
This setting is useful to start playing sound immediately. Works also when looping.

  • Does not affect the value of MPTK_Duration that remains the same.
  • If enabled, there will be a difference between the real time of the MIDI and the theoretical duration.

◆ MPTK_StatusLastMidiLoaded

LoadingStatusMidiEnum MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_StatusLastMidiLoaded

Status of the last midi loaded. The status is updated in a coroutine, so the status can change at each frame.

◆ MPTK_StopPlayOnLastNote

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_StopPlayOnLastNote

By default, the end of a MIDI file is not the last note. It is the last MIDI event.
If this value is true, MIDI playback will stop at the last note found in the MIDI file
and the OnEventEndPlay will be triggered at the lats note.

  • Does not affect the value of MPTK_Duration, which remains the same.
  • If enabled, MIDI playback could stop before MPTK_Duration. See bellow how get this real duration.
  • Get MPTK_PositionLastNote for the duration at the last note.
    // Build string with MIDI duration.
    TimeSpan tsDuration;
    if (midiFilePlayer.MPTK_StopPlayOnLastNote)
    tsDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(midiFilePlayer.midiLoaded.MPTK_PositionLastNote);
    tsDuration = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Duration;
    string sRealDuration = $"{tsDuration.Hours:00}:{tsDuration.Minutes:00}:{tsDuration.Seconds:00}:{tsDuration.Milliseconds:000}";

◆ OnEventEndPlayMidi

EventEndMidiClass MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.OnEventEndPlayMidi

Specify the Unity event that is triggered when the end of the MIDI list of events is reached.

  • This event is triggered even if the note is still in play. In some cases this may cause unpleasant behavior.
    MPTK_ModeStopVoice defined the behavior of the MIDI player when playback is stopped or restarted.
    A good practice is to defined MPTK_ModeStopVoice = ModeStopPlay.StopWhenAllVoicesReleased.
  • By default, the end of playback of a MIDI file is not the last note. It is the last MIDI event.
    Set MPTK_StopPlayOnLastNote to true to fire this event on the last note.
  • Set MPTK_KeepEndTrack or MPTK_KeepNoteOff to true when loading the MIDI file to synchronise the end of playback with the real end of the MIDI file.
    using MidiPlayerTK; // Add a reference to the MPTK namespace at the top of your script
    using UnityEngine;
    public class YourClass : MonoBehaviour
    MidiFilePlayer midiFilePlayer;
    void Start()
    // Get a reference to the prefab MidiFilePlayer from the hierarchy in the scene
    midiFilePlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
    // Add a listener on the MIDI File Player.
    // NotesToPlay will be called for each new group of notes read by the MIDI sequencer from the MIDI file.
    midiFilePlayer.MPTK_ModeStopVoice = MidiFilePlayer.ModeStopPlay.StopWhenAllVoicesReleased;
    public void EndPlay(string midiname, EventEndMidiEnum reason)
    Debug.LogFormat($"End playing midi {midiname} reason:{reason}");

◆ OnEventNotesMidi

EventNotesMidiClass MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.OnEventNotesMidi

Method triggered for each MIDI event (or group of MIDI events) ready to be played by the MIDI synth. All these events are on same MIDI tick
. The callback method is able to directly interacts with Unity gameObject (same thread).
A List<MPTKEvent> is passed to the delegate.

It's not possible to alter playing music by modifying note properties (pitch, velocity, ....) in the callback.
using MidiPlayerTK; // Add a reference to the MPTK namespace at the top of your script
using UnityEngine;
public class YourClass : MonoBehaviour
MidiFilePlayer midiFilePlayer;
void Start()
// Get a reference to the prefab MidiFilePlayer from the hierarchy in the scene
midiFilePlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
// Add a listener on the MIDI File Player.
// NotesToPlay will be called for each new group of notes read by the MIDI sequencer from the MIDI file.
// This method will be called by the MIDI sequencer just before the notes
// are playing by the MIDI synthesizer (if 'Send To Synth' is enabled)
public void NotesToPlay(List<MPTKEvent> mptkEvents)
Debug.Log("Received " + mptkEvents.Count + " MIDI Events");
// Loop on each MIDI events
foreach (MPTKEvent mptkEvent in mptkEvents)
// Log if event is a note on
if (mptkEvent.Command == MPTKCommand.NoteOn)
Debug.Log($"Note on Time:{mptkEvent.RealTime} millisecond Note:{mptkEvent.Value} Duration:{mptkEvent.Duration} millisecond Velocity:{mptkEvent.Velocity}");
// Uncomment to display all MIDI events
// Debug.Log(mptkEvent.ToString());

◆ OnEventStartPlayMidi

EventStartMidiClass MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.OnEventStartPlayMidi

Define the Unity event to be triggered at the start of Midi playback.
At this moment, the MIDI file is loaded, the MIDI synth is initialised, but no MIDI event has been read yet.
This is the right time to defined some specific behaviors.

using MidiPlayerTK; // Add a reference to the MPTK namespace at the top of your script
using UnityEngine;
public class YourClass : MonoBehaviour
MidiFilePlayer midiFilePlayer;
void Start()
// Get a reference to the prefab MidiFilePlayer from the hierarchy in the scene
midiFilePlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
// Add a listener on the MIDI File Player.
// NotesToPlay will be called for each new group of notes read by the MIDI sequencer from the MIDI file.
public void StartPlay(string midiname)
Debug.LogFormat($"Start playing midi {midiname}");
// Disable MIDI channel 9 (generally drums)
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_ChannelEnableSet(9, false);
// Set start tick
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickCurrent = 500;

Property Documentation

◆ MPTK_Channels

MPTKChannels MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels

Description and list of MIDI Channels associated to the MIDI synth.
Each MIDI synth has 16 channels that carry all the relevant MIDI information.

  • Current instrument / bank
  • Volume
  • Mute / Unmute (see Enable)
  • Pitch bend ...

They serve to distinguish between instruments and provide independent control over each one.
By transmitting MIDI messages on their respective channels, you can alter the instrument, volume, pitch, and other parameters.
Within the Maestro Midi Player Toolkit, MIDI channels are designated numerically from 0 to 15. Notably, channel 9 is set aside specifically for drum sounds.

GUILayout.Label("Channel Preset Name Preset / Bank",
myStyle.TitleLabel3, GUILayout.Width(60 + 140 + 120 + 100 + 110));
GUILayout.Label(" Count Enabled Volume",
myStyle.TitleLabel3, GUILayout.Width(900));
// Also available for MidiStreamPlayer, MidiInReader, MidiExternalPlayer.
for (int channel = 0; channel < midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels.Length; channel++)
// Display channel number and log info
if (GUILayout.Button($" {channel:00}", myStyle.TitleLabel3, GUILayout.Width(60)))
// Display preset name
GUILayout.Label(midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].PresetName ?? "not set", myStyle.TitleLabel3, GUILayout.Width(140));
// Display preset and bank index
int presetNum = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].PresetNum;
int bankNum = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].BankNum;
int presetForced = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].ForcedPreset;
// Check if preset is forced and build a string info
string sPreset = presetForced == -1 ? $"{presetNum} / {bankNum}" : $"F{presetForced} / {bankNum}";
// Slider to change the preset on this channel from -1 (disable forced) to 127.
int forcePreset = (int)HelperDemo.GUI_Slider(sPreset, presetNum, -1f, 127f, alignCaptionRight: true, widthCaption: 120, widthSlider: 100, widthLabelValue: -1);
if (forcePreset != presetNum)
// Force a preset and a bank whatever the MIDI events from the MIDI file.
// set forcePreset to -1 to restore to the last preset and bank value known from the MIDI file.
// let forcebank to -1 to not force the bank.
// Before v2.10.1 midiFilePlayer.MPTK_ChannelForcedPresetSet(channel, forcePreset, forceBank);
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].ForcedBank = forceBank;
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].ForcedPreset = forcePreset;
// Display count note by channel
GUILayout.Label($"{midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].NoteCount,-5}", myStyle.LabelRight, GUILayout.Width(100));
// Toggle to enable or disable a channel
GUILayout.Label(" ", myStyle.TitleLabel3, GUILayout.Width(20));
bool state = GUILayout.Toggle(midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].Enable, "", GUILayout.MaxWidth(20));
if (state != midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].Enable)
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].Enable = state;
Debug.LogFormat("Channel {0} state:{1}, preset:{2}", channel, state, midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].PresetName ?? "not set"); /*2.84*/
// Slider to change volume
float currentVolume = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].Volume;
float volume = HelperDemo.GUI_Slider(null, currentVolume, 0f, 1f, alignCaptionRight: true, enableButton: false, widthCaption: -1, widthSlider: 100, widthLabelValue: 40);
if (volume != currentVolume)
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Channels[channel].Volume = volume;

◆ MPTK_Copyright

string MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Copyright

Get Copyright if defined in the MIDI file with MIDI MetaEventType = Copyright
See detail here https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~craig/14q/midifile/MidiFileFormat.html
Can be used only when the MIDI is playing.

◆ MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote

Delta Ticks Per Beat Note. Indicate the duration time in "ticks" which make up a quarter-note.
For instance, if 96, then a duration of an eighth-note in the file would be 48.
More info here https://paxstellar.fr/2020/09/11/midi-timing/

Move forward one quarter
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickCurrent = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickCurrent + midiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote;

◆ MPTK_Duration

TimeSpan MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Duration

Real duration expressed in TimeSpan of the full midi from the first event (tick=0) to the last event.
If MPTK_KeepEndTrack is false, the MIDI events End Track are not considered to calculate this time.
The tempo changes are taken into account if MPTK_EnableChangeTempo is set to true before loading the MIDI.

◆ MPTK_DurationMS

float MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_DurationMS

Real duration expressed in milliseconds of the full midi from the first event (tick=0) to the last event.
If MPTK_KeepEndTrack is false, the MIDI events End Track are not considered to calculate this time.
The tempo changes are taken into account if MPTK_EnableChangeTempo is set to true before loading the MIDI.

◆ MPTK_ExtendedText

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_ExtendedText

If the value is true, text read from Text META (e.g. lyrics) will be read with UTF8 encoding. The default is false.
The MIDI standard only allows ASCII characters for this META, but with this extension you will be able to read and display
characters like Korean, Chinese, Japanese and even French accented letters ;-)


◆ MPTK_IsPaused

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_IsPaused

Is MIDI file playing is paused ?

◆ MPTK_IsPlaying

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_IsPlaying

Is MIDI file is playing ?

◆ MPTK_KeepEndTrack

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_KeepEndTrack

When set to true, meta MIDI event End Track are keep. Default is false.
If set to true, the End Track Event are taken into account for calculate the full duration of the MIDI.
See MPTK_DurationMS.

◆ MPTK_KeepNoteOff

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_KeepNoteOff

A MIDI file is a kind of keyboard simulation: in general, a key pressed generates a 'note-on' and a key release generates a 'note-off'.
But there is an other possibility in a MIDI file: create a 'note-on' with a velocity=0 wich must act as a 'midi-off'
By default, MPTK create only one MPTK event with the command NoteOn and a duration.
But in some cases, you could want to keep the note-off events if they exist in the MIDI file.
Set to false if there is no need (could greatly increases the MIDI list events).
Set to true to keep 'note-off' events.

◆ MPTK_LastEventPlayed

MPTKEvent MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_LastEventPlayed

Last MIDI event played by the MIDI sequencer

◆ MPTK_Loop

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Loop

with 2.10.0 MPTK_Loop is deprecated. Please investigate #MPTK_MidiRestart or MPTK_InnerLoop (Pro) for a better looping accuracy.

◆ MPTK_MidiAutoRestart

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiAutoRestart

When the value is true, the current MIDI playing is restarted when it reaches the end of the MIDI file or #MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_TickEnd.

  • The MIDI file is not reloaded, the restart is quite immediate.
  • The restart is processed by the main Unity thread, also one Unity frame or more is needed to restart the playing of the MIDI.
  • #MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_TickStart and #MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_TickEnd are useful to defined start and end playing position.
  • Better looping accuracy can be done with MPTK_InnerLoop (pro).
  • MPTK_ModeStopVoice must be consider to define more precisely when the MIDI will be restarted.

◆ MPTK_MidiEvents

List<MPTKEvent> MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiEvents

Get a list of all the MPTK MIDI events that are available in the MIDI.

private void OnGUI_ModifyMidiAndPlay()
HelperDemo.GUI_Horizontal(HelperDemo.Zone.BEGIN, myStyle.BacgDemosLight);
HelperDemo.GUI_Vertical(HelperDemo.Zone.BEGIN, myStyle.BacgDemosLight);
GUILayout.Label("It's possible to change the MIDI events before playing. This demo loads the selected MIDI, adds some notes and plays the MIDI without reloading it. Result not guaranteed!", myStyle.TitleLabel3);
countNoteToInsert = (int)HelperDemo.GUI_Slider("Count notes to insert:", (float)countNoteToInsert, 1, 100,
alignCaptionRight: false, enableButton: true, widthCaption: 170, widthSlider: 250, widthLabelValue: 50);
tickPositionToInsert = (long)HelperDemo.GUI_Slider("Tick position to insert:", (long)tickPositionToInsert, 0, (long)midiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickLast,
alignCaptionRight: false, enableButton: true, widthCaption: 170, widthSlider: 250, widthLabelValue: 50);
long quarterPosition = tickPositionToInsert / midiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote;
long newQuarter = (long)HelperDemo.GUI_Slider("Tick position by quarter:", (long)quarterPosition, 0, (long)midiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickLast / midiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote,
alignCaptionRight: false, enableButton: true, widthCaption: 170, widthSlider: 250, widthLabelValue: 50);
if (newQuarter != quarterPosition)
quarterPosition = newQuarter;
tickPositionToInsert = quarterPosition * midiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote;
channelToInsert = (int)HelperDemo.GUI_Slider("Channel to insert:", channelToInsert, 0, 15,
alignCaptionRight: false, enableButton: true, widthCaption: 170, widthSlider: 250, widthLabelValue: 50);
HelperDemo.GUI_Horizontal(HelperDemo.Zone.BEGIN, null, GUILayout.Width(500));
clearNote = GUILayout.Toggle(clearNote, "Clear MIDI list before inserting");
randomNote = GUILayout.Toggle(randomNote, "Random Note");
randomDuration = GUILayout.Toggle(randomDuration, "Random Duration");
calculateTiming = GUILayout.Toggle(calculateTiming, "Timing Recalculation");
if (GUILayout.Button("Insert And Play", GUILayout.Width(120)))
// Better to stop playing.
// There is no need of note-off events.
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_KeepNoteOff = false;
// MPTK_MidiName must contains the name of the MIDI to load.
if (midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Load() != null)
Debug.Log($"Duration: {midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Duration.TotalSeconds} seconds");
Debug.Log($"Count MIDI Events: {midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiEvents.Count}");
if (clearNote)
// Insert weird notes in this beautiful MIDI!
// ------------------------------------------
long tickToInsert = tickPositionToInsert;
for (int insertNote = 0; insertNote < countNoteToInsert; insertNote++)
int note;
if (randomNote)
note = UnityEngine.Random.Range(50, 73); // Random notes between 48 (C4) and 72 (C6)
note = 60 + insertNote % 12; // Hust a remap of notes!
int eightCount; // How many eight duration to generate
if (randomDuration)
eightCount = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 9); // max 8, so a whole note
eightCount = 2; // a quarter
int tickDuration = eightCount * midiFilePlayer.MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote;
// Add a note
new MPTKEvent()
Channel = channelToInsert,
Command = MPTKCommand.NoteOn,
Value = note,
Length = tickDuration,
Duration = (long)(tickDuration * midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Pulse), // Transform ticks to millisecond
Tick = tickToInsert,
// Add a text
new MPTKEvent()
Command = MPTKCommand.MetaEvent,
Meta = MPTKMeta.TextEvent,
Info = $"Add a weird note {HelperNoteLabel.LabelFromMidi(note)}",
Tick = tickToInsert,
// Move to the next insert, add length of note added.
tickToInsert += tickDuration;
// New events has been inserted, MIDI events list must be sorted by tick value.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (calculateTiming)
// Timing recalculation is not useful for all use cases.
// Avoid if possible because this takes time and realloc data.
// Then play the event list modified (not guaranteed to be the hit of the year!)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Play(alreadyLoaded: true);
Debug.LogWarning("MIDI preload and alter MIDI events are available only with the PRO version");
if (GUILayout.Button("View MIDI events", GUILayout.Width(120)))
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiEvents.ForEach(midi => Debug.Log(midi));

◆ MPTK_MidiIndex

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiIndex

Select a MIDI file to play by its Index from the MIDIDB.
The Index of a MIDI file is displayed in the popup from the MidiFilePlayer inspector and in the window "Midi File Setup" from the MPTK menu in the editor.

// Play the MIDI index 33
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiIndex = 33;
indexIndex of the MIDI, start from 0

◆ MPTK_MidiLoaded

MidiLoad MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiLoaded

Get detailed information about the MIDI playing. This readonly properties is available only when a MIDI has been loaded.

◆ MPTK_MidiName

virtual string MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiName

Select a MIDI from the MIDIDB to play by its name.
Use the exact name as seen in the MIDI setup windows (Unity menu MPTK/ without any path or extension.
Tips: Add MIDI files to your project with the Unity menu MPTK.

// Play the MIDI "Albinoni - Adagio"
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiName = "Albinoni - Adagio";

◆ MPTK_PlayOnStart

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_PlayOnStart

Whether the MIDI playback starts when the application starts?

◆ MPTK_PlayTime

TimeSpan MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_PlayTime

Real time in TimeSpan format from the beginning of play. It's an access to the MIDI timer used by the MIDI sequencer.

MPTK_Tempo or MPTK_Speed change have no direct impact on this value.

◆ MPTK_Position

double MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Position

Set or get the current position in the MIDI in milliseconds.
When a new position is set, the corresponding tick in the MIDI event list is searched for by comparing it with the MPTKEvent.RealTime value, and the current MIDI playback is moved to this new tick position.


Here, more information about Midi Timing https://paxstellar.fr/2020/09/11/midi-timing/

public MidiFilePlayer midiFilePlayer;
void Start()
// Find the prefab MidiFilePlayer in your scene
midiFilePlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
// Event trigger when midi file start playing
midiFilePlayer.OnEventStartPlayMidi.AddListener(info => StartPlay("Event set by script"));
// beginning playing
// Method executed when the MIDI file start playing
public void StartPlay(string name)
// The MIDI will start playing at 5 seconds from the beginning of the MIDI
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Position = 5000;
void Update()
if ('condition from your application is true')
// The MIDI will continue playing at 10 seconds from the beginning of the MIDI
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_Position = 10000;

◆ MPTK_PositionFirstNote

double MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_PositionFirstNote

Real time tick in millisecond for the first note-on found.
Most MIDI don't start playing a note immediately. There is often a delay.
Use this attribute to known the real time wich it will start.
See also MPTK_TickFirstNote

◆ MPTK_PositionLastNote

double MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_PositionLastNote

Real time tick in millisecond for the last note-on found in the MIDI.
There is often other MIDI events after the last note-on: for example event track-end.
Use this attribute to known the real time when all sound will be stop.
See also the MPTK_DurationMS which provides the full time of all MIDI events including track-end, control at the beginning and at the end, ....
See also MPTK_TickLastNote

◆ MPTK_ProgramName

string MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_ProgramName

Get Program track name if defined in the MIDI file with MIDI MetaEventType = ProgramName
See detail here https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~craig/14q/midifile/MidiFileFormat.html
Can be used only when the MIDI is playing.

◆ MPTK_Pulse

double MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Pulse

Lenght in millisecond of a MIDI tick. The pulse length is the minimum time in millisecond between two MIDI events.
It's like a definition of graphical resolution but for MIDI: the MIDI sequencer will not be able to play two separate MIDI events in a time below this value.

  • Depends on the current tempo (#MPTK_CurrentTempo) and the MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote and Speed.
  • Read Only.
  • Formula: PulseLenght = MPTK_CurrentTempo / MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote / 1000 / Speed

◆ MPTK_Quantization

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Quantization

Level of quantization :

  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Beat Note
  • 2 = Eighth Note
  • 3 = 16th Note
  • 4 = 32th Note
  • 5 = 64th Note
  • 6 = 128th Note

◆ MPTK_RawSeek

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_RawSeek

This parameter controls how the playback position is adjusted within a MIDI file. By default (false), when the playback position is changed, all events except "note-on" are replayed from the start of the MIDI file up to the new position. This ensures the synthesizer is correctly updated with the appropriate context (tempo, selected instruments, controllers, etc.).
If set to true, the playback position is updated directly; consequently, the current context is preserved.
While this approach can lead to unintended (or amusing!) effects in some MIDI files, it allows for much faster position changes.

  • This value resets to false (default) each time a MIDI file is loaded. You can use MPTK_Load() to load the MIDI, adjust this parameter, and then play the MIDI using MPTK_Play().

◆ MPTK_RealTime

double MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_RealTime

Real time in milliseconds from the beginning of play. It's an access to the MIDI timer used by the MIDI sequencer.

MPTK_Tempo or MPTK_Speed change have no direct impact on this value.

◆ MPTK_SequenceTrackName

string MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_SequenceTrackName

Get sequence track name if defined in the MIDI file with MIDI MetaEventType = SequenceTrackName
See detail here https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~craig/14q/midifile/MidiFileFormat.html
Can be used only when the MIDI is playing.

◆ MPTK_Speed

float MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Speed

Percentage of the default playback speed. Range 0.1 (10% of the current BPM) to 10 (1000%). Default is 1 for normal speed.
Speed also applied to the duration of the sample played at voice level (often multiple voices are played for one note).


◆ MPTK_Tempo

double MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Tempo

Get or change the current tempo played by the internal MIDI sequencer (independent from MPTK_Speed).
Return QuarterPerMinuteValue similar to BPM (Beat Per Measure).

  • Can be handle only when the MIDI is playing.
  • Changing the current tempo when playing has no impact on the calculated duration of the MIDI.

◆ MPTK_TextEvent

string MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_TextEvent

Get Text if defined in the MIDI file with MIDI MetaEventType = TextEvent
See detail here https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~craig/14q/midifile/MidiFileFormat.html
Can be used only when the MIDI is playing.

◆ MPTK_TickCurrent

long MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickCurrent

Get the tick value of the last MIDI event played.
Set the tick value of the next MIDI event to played.

MIDI tick is an easy way to identify a position in a song independently of the time which could vary with tempo change event.
The count of ticks by quarter is constant all along a MIDI, it's a properties of the whole MIDI. see MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote.
With a time signature of 4/4 the ticks length of a bar is 4 * MPTK_DeltaTicksPerQuarterNote.
Here, more information about Midi Timing https://paxstellar.fr/2020/09/11/midi-timing/

  • works only when the MIDI is playing.
  • you can't set the tick before or just after MPTK_Play() because MPTK_Play() reset the tick at the start.
  • rather, set the tick when the event OnEventStartPlayMidi() is triggereed. See example below.
  • look also the properties MPTK_Position to change the tick by milliseconds.
  • when the MIDI is playing look at the inspector of the MidiFilePlayer prefab to read (or change) the current tick and find the tick you want.
  • see also MPTK_RawSeek to change way current tick position is changed.
  • look also MidiLoad.MPTK_TickPlayer to get the real-time tick value from the MIDI player.
See example:
public MidiFilePlayer midiFilePlayer;
void Start()
// Find the prefab MidiFilePlayer in your scene
midiFilePlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
// Event trigger when midi file start playing
midiFilePlayer.OnEventStartPlayMidi.AddListener(info => StartPlay("Event set by script"));
// beginning playing
// Method executed when the MIDI file start playing
public void StartPlay(string name)
// The MIDI will start playing at tick 10000
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickCurrent = 10000;
void Update()
if ('condition from your application is true')
// The MIDI will continue playing at ticks 20000
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickCurrent = 20000;

◆ MPTK_TickFirstNote

long MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickFirstNote

Tick tick for the first note-on found.
Most MIDI don't start playing a note immediately. There is often a delay.
Use this attribute to known the tick tick where the will start to play a sound.
See also MPTK_PositionFirstNote

◆ MPTK_TickLast

long MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickLast

Last tick tick in Midi: it's the value of the tick for the last MIDI event in sequence expressed in number of "ticks".

◆ MPTK_TickLastNote

long MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_TickLastNote

Tick tick for the last note-on found.
There is often other MIDI events after the last note-on: for example event track-end.
Use this attribute to known the tick tick time when all sound will be stop.
See also the MPTK_PositionLastNote which provides the last time of the MIDI.

◆ MPTK_TrackCount

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_TrackCount

Count of track read in the MIDI file

◆ MPTK_TrackInstrumentName

string MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_TrackInstrumentName

Get Instrument track name if defined in the MIDI file with MIDI MetaEventType = TrackInstrumentName
See detail here https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~craig/14q/midifile/MidiFileFormat.html
Can be used only when the MIDI is playing.