
Base class wich contains all the stuff to build a Wave Table Synth. More...

Inheritance diagram for MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth:
MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer MidiPlayerTK.MidiInReader MidiPlayerTK.MidiStreamPlayer MidiPlayerTK.MidiStreamPlayer MidiPlayerTK.MidiExternalPlayer MidiPlayerTK.MidiSpatializer MidiPlayerTK.MidiExternalPlayer MidiPlayerTK.MidiSpatializer

Public Types

enum  ModeSpatializer { Channel , Track }

Public Member Functions

void MPTK_ClearAllSound (bool destroyAudioSource=false, int _idSession=-1)
void MPTK_DebugActiveVoice ()
void MPTK_InitSynth (int channelCount=16, bool preserveChannelInfo=false)
void MPTK_PlayDirectEvent (MPTKEvent midiEvent, bool playNoteOff=true)
void MPTK_ResetStat ()
void MPTK_StartSequencerMidi ()
void MPTK_StartSynth ()
void MPTK_StopDirectEvent (MPTKEvent midiEvent)
void MPTK_StopSynth ()
IEnumerator MPTK_WaitAllNotesOff (int _idSession=-1)
delegate void OnAudioFrameStartHandler (double synthTime)

Public Attributes

bool MPTK_ApplyModLfo
bool MPTK_ApplyRealTimeModulator
bool MPTK_ApplyVibLfo
bool MPTK_AudioSettingFromUnity
bool MPTK_AutoBuffer = true
int MPTK_AutoCleanVoiceLimit
bool MPTK_CorePlayer
float MPTK_CutOffVolume = 0.0001f
bool MPTK_DirectSendToPlayer
MPTKEffectSoundFont MPTK_EffectSoundFont
MPTKEffectUnity MPTK_EffectUnity
 Unlike SoundFont effects, they applied to the whole player. On the other hand, the Unity effects parameters are rich and, obviously based on Uniy algo!
Only most important effect are integrated in Maestro: Reverb and Chorus. On need, others effects could be added. More...
bool MPTK_EnableChangeTempo
bool MPTK_EnableFreeSynthRate = false
bool MPTK_EnablePanChange
bool MPTK_EnablePresetDrum
int MPTK_InstrumentNum
bool MPTK_KillByExclusiveClass = true
float MPTK_LeanSynthStarting = 0.05f
bool MPTK_LogEvents
bool MPTK_LogWave
bool MPTK_ReleaseSameNote = true
uint MPTK_ReleaseTimeMin = 500000
float MPTK_ReleaseTimeMod = 1f
bool MPTK_SpatialSynthEnabled
int MPTK_StatVoiceCountActive
int MPTK_StatVoiceCountFree
int MPTK_StatVoiceCountPlaying
int MPTK_StatVoiceCountReused
int MPTK_StatVoicePlayed
int MPTK_StatVoiceRatioReused
int MPTK_ThreadMidiWait = 10
bool MPTK_WeakDevice
Action< int, long, int, int > OnBeatEvent
 Action is executed at each beat and received these parameters: More...
EventSynthClass OnEventSynthAwake
EventSynthClass OnEventSynthStarted
Func< MPTKEvent, bool > OnMidiEvent

Static Public Attributes

const float FLUID_CHORUS_DEFAULT_DEPTH = 4.25f
const float FLUID_REVERB_DEFAULT_DAMP = 0.3f
static List< MidiFilePlayerSpatialSynths


int MPTK_IndexSynthBuffSize [get, set]
int MPTK_IndexSynthRate [get, set]
string MPTK_InstrumentPlayed [get]
bool MPTK_IsSpatialSynthMaster [get]
bool MPTK_KeepPlayingNonLooped [get, set]
float MPTK_MaxDistance [get, set]
bool MPTK_PauseOnDistance [get, set]
bool MPTK_Spatialize [get, set]
int MPTK_SpatialSynthIndex [get]
int MPTK_SynthRate [get, set]
int MPTK_ThreadMidiPriority [get, set]
string MPTK_TrackName [get]
int MPTK_TransExcludedChannel [get, set]
int MPTK_Transpose [get, set]
float MPTK_Volume [get, set]


OnAudioFrameStartHandler OnAudioFrameStart

Detailed Description

Base class wich contains all the stuff to build a Wave Table Synth.

Load SoundFont and samples, process midi event, play voices, controllers, generators ...
This class is inherited by others class to build these prefabs: MidiStreamPlayer, MidiFilePlayer, MidiInReader.
It is not recommended to instanciate directly this class, rather add prefabs to the hierarchy of your scene. and use attributs and methods from an instance of them in your script. Example:

  • midiFilePlayer.MPTK_ChorusDelay = 0.2
  • midiStreamPlayer.MPTK_InitSynth()

class extension pro

Maestro Pro

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ModeSpatializer

Spatializer Mode for the prefab MidiSpatializer

Maestro Pro

Spatial Synth are enabled to dispatch note-on by channels.
As a reminder, only one instrument at at time can be played by a MIDI channel
Instrument (preset) are defined by channel with the MIDI message MPTKCommand.PatchChange


Spatial Synth are enabled to dispatch note-on by tracks defined in the MIDI.
As a reminder, multiple channels can be played on a tracks, so multiple instruments can be played on a Synth.
Track name are defined with the Meta MIDI message SequenceTrackName. This MIDI message is always defined in MIDI, so name can be missing.

Member Function Documentation

◆ MPTK_ClearAllSound()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_ClearAllSound ( bool  destroyAudioSource = false,
int  _idSession = -1 

Clear all sound by sending note off.
That could take some seconds because release time for sample need to be played.

if (GUILayout.Button("Clear"))
destroyAudioSourceuseful only in non core mode
_idSessionclear only for sample playing with this session, -1 for all (default)

◆ MPTK_DebugActiveVoice()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_DebugActiveVoice ( )

Log information about active voices

◆ MPTK_InitSynth()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_InitSynth ( int  channelCount = 16,
bool  preserveChannelInfo = false 

Initialize the synthetizer:

  • channels informartion: instrument & bank selected, pitch, volume, ...
  • voices cache,
  • synth modulator. This method is call by MidiFilePlayer with MPTK_Play()
    But in some cases, you could have to call MPTK_InitSynth to restaure initial condition of the synth (mainly useful with MidiStreamPlayer)
channelCountNumber of channel to create. Default is 16. Any other values are experimental!
preserveChannelInfoif true, the channel information will not be reset, Default is false: reinit also channel information

◆ MPTK_PlayDirectEvent()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_PlayDirectEvent ( MPTKEvent  midiEvent,
bool  playNoteOff = true 

Play immediately one MIDI event.
It's a synchrone processing: method return after the MIDI has been treated by the MIDI synth.

// OnBeatEvent (pro) is triggered by the MPTK MIDI sequencer at each beat independently of MIDI events
// - OnBeatEvent is executed at each beat even if there is there no MIDI event on the beat.
// - Accuracy is guaranteed (internal thread).
// - Direct call to Unity API is not possible (but you have access to all your script variables and most part of the MPTK API).
// Parameters received:
// - time Time in milliseconds since the start of the playing MIDI.
// - tick Current tick of the beat.
// - measure Current measure (start from 1).
// - beat Current beat (start from 1).
midiFilePlayer.OnBeatEvent = (int time, long tick, int measure, int beat) =>
if (FoldOutMetronome)
// Calculate the value to be displayed on the FoldOut Metronome and on the log
beatTimeTick = $"Time: {TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(time)} Tick: {tick}";
beatMeasure = $"Beat/Measure: {beat}/{measure}";
Debug.Log($"OnBeatEvent - {beatTimeTick} Signature segment:{midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_CurrentSignMap.Index} {beatMeasure}");
// for testing interaction with Maestro MPTK player
if (stopPlayingAtMeasure != -1 && measure >= stopPlayingAtMeasure)
// Stops playback of the MIDI file. But the triggering event could be still playing (too late for stop it).
// Plays an extra drum sound with each beat
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_PlayDirectEvent(new MPTKEvent()
Command = MPTKCommand.NoteOn,
Channel = 9,
Value = instrumentMetronome,
Velocity = volumeMetronome,
Measure = measure,
Beat = beat
Description of a MIDI Event. It's the heart of MPTK! Essential to handling MIDI by script from all ot...
Definition: MPTKEvent.cs:45
Definition: MPTKEnum.cs:12

◆ MPTK_ResetStat()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_ResetStat ( )

Reset voices statistics

◆ MPTK_StartSequencerMidi()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_StartSequencerMidi ( )

Start the MIDI sequencer: each midi events are read and play in a dedicated thread.
This thread is automatically started by prefabs MidiFilePlayer, MidiListPlayer, MidiExternalPlayer.

◆ MPTK_StartSynth()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_StartSynth ( )

Start processing samples by the synth and the MIDI sequencer. Useful only if MPTK_StopSynth has been called and MidiStreamPlayer.


◆ MPTK_StopDirectEvent()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_StopDirectEvent ( MPTKEvent  midiEvent)

Stop immediately the MIDI event play with @MPTK_PlayDirectEvent.
It's a synchrone processing: method return after all voices of the notes has been processed by the MIDI synth.


◆ MPTK_StopSynth()

void MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_StopSynth ( )

Stop processing samples by the synth and the MIDI sequencer. See also MPTK_StartSynth.

◆ MPTK_WaitAllNotesOff()

IEnumerator MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_WaitAllNotesOff ( int  _idSession = -1)

Wait until all notes are off.
That could take some seconds due to the samples release time.
Therefore, the method exit after a timeout of 3 seconds.
*** Use this method only as a coroutine ***

// Call this method with: StartCoroutine(NextPreviousWithWait(false));
// See TestMidiFilePlayerScripting.cs
public IEnumerator NextPreviousWithWait(bool next)
yield return midiFilePlayer.MPTK_WaitAllNotesOff(midiFilePlayer.IdSession);
if (next)
CurrentIndexPlaying = midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiIndex;
yield return 0;
_idSessionclear only for samples playing with this session, -1 for all

◆ OnAudioFrameStartHandler()

delegate void MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.OnAudioFrameStartHandler ( double  synthTime)

Delegate for the event OnAudioFrameStartHandler. see OnAudioFrameStart.

Maestro Pro

Member Data Documentation


const float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.FLUID_CHORUS_DEFAULT_DEPTH = 4.25f

Default chorus depth


const float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.FLUID_CHORUS_DEFAULT_LEVEL = 0.6f

Default chorus level


const int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.FLUID_CHORUS_DEFAULT_N = 3

Default chorus voice count


const float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.FLUID_CHORUS_DEFAULT_SPEED = 0.2f

Default chorus speed


const float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.FLUID_CHORUS_DEFAULT_WIDTH = 10f

Default chorus width gradually stereo effect


const float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.FLUID_REVERB_DEFAULT_DAMP = 0.3f

Default reverb damping


const float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.FLUID_REVERB_DEFAULT_LEVEL = 0.7f

Default reverb level


const float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.FLUID_REVERB_DEFAULT_ROOMSIZE = 0.5f

Default reverb room size


const float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.FLUID_REVERB_DEFAULT_WIDTH = 0.8f

Default reverb width

◆ MPTK_ApplyModLfo

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_ApplyModLfo

Apply LFO effect defined in the SoundFont

◆ MPTK_ApplyRealTimeModulator

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_ApplyRealTimeModulator

Apply real time modulatoreffect defined in the SoundFont: pitch bend, control change, enveloppe modulation

◆ MPTK_ApplyVibLfo

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_ApplyVibLfo

Apply vibrato effect defined in the SoundFont

◆ MPTK_AudioSettingFromUnity

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_AudioSettingFromUnity

If true then rate synth and buffer size will be automatically defined by Unity in accordance of the capacity of the hardware. - V2.89.0 -
Look at Unity menu "Edit / Project Settings..." and select between best latency and best performance.
If false, then rate and buffer size can be defined manually ... but with the risk of bad audio quality. It's more an experimental capacities!

◆ MPTK_AutoBuffer

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_AutoBuffer = true

Voice buffering is important to get better performance.

  • if enabled
    • move all voices state OFF from Active to Free list
    • automatic cleaning of the free list
  • else
    • voices state OFF are removed from the Active list But you can disable this fonction with this parameter.

◆ MPTK_AutoCleanVoiceLimit

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_AutoCleanVoiceLimit

Free voices older than MPTK_AutoCleanVoiceLimit are removed when count is over than MPTK_AutoCleanVoiceTime

◆ MPTK_CorePlayer

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_CorePlayer

If true then MIDI events are read and play from a dedicated thread.
If false, MidiSynth will use AudioSource gameobjects to play sound.
This properties must be defined before running the application from the inspector.
The default is true.
Warning: The non core mode player (MPTK_CorePlayer=false) will be removed with the next major version (V3)

◆ MPTK_CutOffVolume

float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_CutOffVolume = 0.0001f

When amplitude of a sample is below this value the playing of sample is stopped.
Can be increase for better performance (when a lot of samples are played concurrently) but with degraded quality because sample could be stopped too early. Remember: Amplitude can varying between 0 and 1.

2.9.1 // was 0.03

◆ MPTK_DirectSendToPlayer

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_DirectSendToPlayer

If true (default) then MIDI events are sent automatically to the midi player. Set to false if you want to process events without playing sound. OnEventNotesMidi Unity Event can be used to process each notes.

◆ MPTK_EffectSoundFont

MPTKEffectSoundFont MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_EffectSoundFont

A SoundFont contains parameters to apply three kinds of effects: low-pass filter, reverb, chorus.
These parameters can be specifics for each instruments and even each voices.
Maestro MPTK effects are based on FluidSynth algo effects modules. Furthermore, to get more liberty from SoundFont, Maestro Pro can increase or decrease the impact of effects (from the inspector or by script). To summarize:

  • Effects are applied individually to each voices, yet they are statically defined within the SoundFont.
  • Maestro parameters can be adjusted to increase or decrease the default values set in the SoundFont.
  • These adjustments will be applied across the entire prefab, but the effect will depend on the initial settings defined in the SoundFont preset.
  • Please note that these effects require additional CPU resources. See more detailed information here https://paxstellar.fr/sound-effects/
  • By default, only low-filter effect is enabled in Maestro.
  • To enable them, you’ll need to adjust the settings from the prefab inspector (Synth Parameters / SoundFont Effect) or by script!
  • For enhanced sound quality, it’s beneficial to add a low-filter effect, it is enabled by default..
    // Find a MPTK Prefab, will works also for MidiStreamPlayer, MidiExternalPlayer ... all classes which inherit from MidiSynth.
    MidiFilePlayer fp = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
    fp.MPTK_EffectSoundFont.EnableFilter = true;
    fp.MPTK_EffectSoundFont.FilterFreqOffset = 500;
    Play a MIDI file from the MidiDB. This class must be used with the prefab MidiFilePlayer....
    Definition: MidiFilePlayer.cs:69

◆ MPTK_EffectUnity

MPTKEffectUnity MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_EffectUnity

Unlike SoundFont effects, they applied to the whole player. On the other hand, the Unity effects parameters are rich and, obviously based on Uniy algo!
Only most important effect are integrated in Maestro: Reverb and Chorus. On need, others effects could be added.

  • Unity effects integration modules are exclusively available with the Maestro MPTK Pro version.
  • By default, these effects are disabled in Maestro.
  • To enable them, you’ll need to adjust the settings from the prefab inspector: Synth Parameters / Unity Effect.
  • Each settings are available by script.
    // Find a MPTK Prefab, will works also for MidiStreamPlayer, MidiExternalPlayer ... all classes which inherit from MidiSynth.
    MidiFilePlayer fp = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
    fp.MPTK_EffectUnity.EnableReverb = true;
    float ReverbDelay
    Definition: MPTKEffectUnityPro.cs:231
    MPTKEffectUnity MPTK_EffectUnity
    Unlike SoundFont effects, they applied to the whole player. On the other hand, the Unity effects para...
    Definition: MidiSynthPro.cs:203

◆ MPTK_EnableChangeTempo

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_EnableChangeTempo

Enable MIDI events tempo change from the MIDI file when playing. If disabled, only the first tempo change found in the MIDI will be applied (or 120 if not tempo change). Disable it when you want to change tempo by your script.

◆ MPTK_EnableFreeSynthRate

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_EnableFreeSynthRate = false

Allow direct setting of the Synth Rate

◆ MPTK_EnablePanChange

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_EnablePanChange

Change pan from MIDI Events whether SoundFont.
Pan is disabled when Spatialization is activated.

◆ MPTK_EnablePresetDrum

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_EnablePresetDrum

Accept preset changes for Drum Channel 9 (drum).
If set, this may sometimes produce unexpected results with MIDI files that are not compliant with the MIDI standard.
If not set, preset change on channel 9 will be disabled (preset 0 still used).

  • Generally bank 128 and preset 0 is used for drum kit. @Attention:
  • Set to false in MidiFilePlayer.
  • Set to true in MidiStreamPlayer (all MIDI events are generated by your script, so you are aware of what is happening).

◆ MPTK_InstrumentNum

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_InstrumentNum

When spatialization is track mode, contains the last instrument (preset) played.

Maestro Pro

◆ MPTK_KillByExclusiveClass

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_KillByExclusiveClass = true

Find the exclusive class of this voice. If set, kill all voices that match the exclusive class
and are younger than the first voice process created by this noteon event.

◆ MPTK_LeanSynthStarting

float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_LeanSynthStarting = 0.05f

A lean startup of the volume of the synth is useful to avoid weird sound at the beginning of the application (in some cases).
This parameter sets the speed of the increase of the volume of the audio source.
Set to 1 for an immediate full volume at start.

◆ MPTK_LogEvents

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_LogEvents

Log MIDI events (v2.9.0 moved from MidiFilePlayer)

◆ MPTK_LogWave

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_LogWave

Log for each sample to be played

◆ MPTK_ReleaseSameNote

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_ReleaseSameNote = true

If the same note is hit twice on the same channel, then the older voice process is advanced to the release stage.
It's the default Midi processing.

◆ MPTK_ReleaseTimeMin

uint MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_ReleaseTimeMin = 500000

[Only when CorePlayer=False] Define a minimum release time at noteoff in 100 iem nanoseconds.
Default 50 ms is a good tradeoff. Below some unpleasant sound could be heard. Useless when MPTK_CorePlayer is true.

◆ MPTK_ReleaseTimeMod

float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_ReleaseTimeMod = 1f

When a note is stopped with a noteoff or when the duration is over, note continue to play for a short time depending the instrument.

This parameter is a multiplier to increase or decrease the default release time defined in the SoundFont for each instrument.
Recommended values between 0.1 and 10. Default is 1 (no modification of the release time).
Performance issue: the longer it lasts the more CPU is used after the noteon. With a long release time, a lot of samples will be played simultaneously.

◆ MPTK_SpatialSynthEnabled

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_SpatialSynthEnabled

In spatialization mode not all MidiSynths are enabled.

Maestro Pro

◆ MPTK_StatVoiceCountActive

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_StatVoiceCountActive

Count of the active voices (playing and releasing) - Readonly

◆ MPTK_StatVoiceCountFree

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_StatVoiceCountFree

Count of the free voices for reusing on need.
Voice older than AutoCleanVoiceTime are removed but only when count is over than AutoCleanVoiceLimit - Readonly

◆ MPTK_StatVoiceCountPlaying

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_StatVoiceCountPlaying

Count of the active voices (playing excluding voices in release step) - Readonly

◆ MPTK_StatVoiceCountReused

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_StatVoiceCountReused

Count of the voices reused - Readonly

◆ MPTK_StatVoicePlayed

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_StatVoicePlayed

Count of voice played since the start of the synth

◆ MPTK_StatVoiceRatioReused

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_StatVoiceRatioReused

Percentage of voice reused during the synth life. 0: any reuse, 100:all voice reused (unattainable, of course!)

◆ MPTK_ThreadMidiWait

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_ThreadMidiWait = 10

Delay in milliseconds the MIDI thread waits before reading each MIDI events groups.

◆ MPTK_WeakDevice

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_WeakDevice

Should play on a weak device (cheaper smartphone) ? Apply only with AudioSource mode (MPTK_CorePlayer=False).
Playing MIDI files with WeakDevice activated could cause some bad interpretation of MIDI Event, consequently bad sound.

◆ OnBeatEvent

Action<int, long, int, int> MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.OnBeatEvent

Action is executed at each beat and received these parameters:

  • time: time in milliseconds since the start of the playing MIDI.
  • tick: current tick.
  • measure: current measure (start from 1).
  • beat: current beat (start from 1).
  • OnBeatEvent is executed at each beat even if there is there no MIDI event on the beat.
  • Accuracy is garanteed (internal thread).
  • Direct call to Unity API is not possible but Debug.Log and Maestro API (example, play a sound at each beat) are allowed.
Maestro Pro
// OnBeatEvent (pro) is triggered by the MPTK MIDI sequencer at each beat independently of MIDI events
// - OnBeatEvent is executed at each beat even if there is there no MIDI event on the beat.
// - Accuracy is guaranteed (internal thread).
// - Direct call to Unity API is not possible (but you have access to all your script variables and most part of the MPTK API).
// Parameters received:
// - time Time in milliseconds since the start of the playing MIDI.
// - tick Current tick of the beat.
// - measure Current measure (start from 1).
// - beat Current beat (start from 1).
midiFilePlayer.OnBeatEvent = (int time, long tick, int measure, int beat) =>
if (FoldOutMetronome)
// Calculate the value to be displayed on the FoldOut Metronome and on the log
beatTimeTick = $"Time: {TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(time)} Tick: {tick}";
beatMeasure = $"Beat/Measure: {beat}/{measure}";
Debug.Log($"OnBeatEvent - {beatTimeTick} Signature segment:{midiFilePlayer.MPTK_MidiLoaded.MPTK_CurrentSignMap.Index} {beatMeasure}");
// for testing interaction with Maestro MPTK player
if (stopPlayingAtMeasure != -1 && measure >= stopPlayingAtMeasure)
// Stops playback of the MIDI file. But the triggering event could be still playing (too late for stop it).
// Plays an extra drum sound with each beat
midiFilePlayer.MPTK_PlayDirectEvent(new MPTKEvent()
Command = MPTKCommand.NoteOn,
Channel = 9,
Value = instrumentMetronome,
Velocity = volumeMetronome,
Measure = measure,
Beat = beat

◆ OnEventSynthAwake

EventSynthClass MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.OnEventSynthAwake

Unity event fired at awake of the synthesizer. Name of the gameobject component is passed as a parameter.
Setting this callback function by script (AddListener) is not recommended. It's better to set callback function from the inspector.

Example of script (but it's recommended to set callback function from the inspector).

public void StartLoadingSynth(string name)
Debug.LogFormat("Synth {0} loading", name);

◆ OnEventSynthStarted

EventSynthClass MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.OnEventSynthStarted

Unity event fired at start of the synthesizer. Name of the gameobject component is passed as a parameter.
Setting this callback function by script (AddListener) is not recommended. It's better to set callback function from the inspector.

Example of script (it's recommended to set callback function from the inspector).

public void EndLoadingSynth(string name)
Debug.Log($"EndLoadingSynth - Synth {name} loaded, now change bank and preset");
if (MAX_CHANNEL != 16)
// MIDI standard is limited to 16 channels.
// With MidiStream it's possible to extend channels number until 256.
// Warning: it's not possible to create MIDI file with channels number over 16.
// Mandatory for updating UI list but not for playing sample.
// The default instrument and drum banks are defined with the popup "SoundFont Setup Alt-F" in the Unity editor.
// This method can be used by script to change the instrument bank and build presets available for it: MPTK_ListPreset.
// Don't forget to initialize your MidiStreamPlayer variable, see link below:
// https://paxstellar.fr/api-mptk-v2/#DefinedVariablePrefab
// Channel 0: set Piano (if SoundFont is GeneralUser GS v1.471)
// Define bank with CurrentBank (value defined in inspector to 0).
midiStreamPlayer.MPTK_PlayEvent(new MPTKEvent() { Command = MPTKCommand.ControlChange, Controller = MPTKController.BankSelectMsb, Value = CurrentBank, Channel = StreamChannel, });
Debug.LogFormat($" Bank '{CurrentBank}' defined on channel {StreamChannel}");
// Defined preset with CurrentPreset (value defined in inspector to 0).
midiStreamPlayer.MPTK_Channels[StreamChannel].PresetNum = CurrentPreset;
Debug.LogFormat($" Preset '{midiStreamPlayer.MPTK_Channels[StreamChannel].PresetName}' defined on channel {StreamChannel}");
// Playing a preset from another bank in the channel 1
// Channel 1: set Laser Gun (if SoundFont is GeneralUser GS v1.471)
// TBD int channel = 1, bank = 2, preset = 127;
//midiStreamPlayer.MPTK_PlayEvent(new MPTKEvent() { Command = MPTKCommand.ControlChange, Controller = MPTKController.BankSelectMsb, Value = bank, Channel = channel, });
//midiStreamPlayer.MPTK_ChannelPresetChange(channel, preset);
// Before v2.10.1 Debug.LogFormat($" Preset '{MidiPlayerGlobal.MPTK_GetPatchName(bank, preset)}' defined on channel {channel} and bank {bank}");
Singleton class to manage all globales MPTK features. More information here: https://paxstellar....
Definition: MidiPlayerGlobal.cs:16
static bool MPTK_SelectBankInstrument(int nbank)
Definition: MidiPlayerGlobal.cs:547
Definition: MPTKEnum.cs:131

◆ OnMidiEvent

Func<MPTKEvent, bool> MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.OnMidiEvent

This function is called by the MIDI sequencer before sending the MIDI message to the MIDI synthesizer.
From version 2.10.0 the callback must return a boolean (see example). true to keep the event, false to skip it.

It can be used like a MIDI events preprocessor: it's possible to change the value of the MIDI events and therefore change the playback of the song.
The callback function receives a MPTKEvent object by reference (normal, it's a C# class).
Look at https://mptkapi.paxstellar.com/d9/d50/class_midi_player_t_k_1_1_m_p_t_k_event.html
Many changes are possible on the MIDI event: change note, velocity, channel, skip ..., even changing the MIDI type of the message!!!
See below some examples of run-time changes.

Maestro Pro
  • The callback is running on a system thread not on the Unity thread. Unity API call is not possible except for the Debug.Log (to be gently used, it consumes CPU)
  • Avoid heavy processing or waiting inside the callback otherwise MIDI playing accuracy will be bad.
  • The midiEvent is passed by reference to the callback, so re-instanciate object (midiEvent = new MPTKEvent()) or set to null, has no effect!
  • MIDI position attributs (Tick and RealTime) can be used in your algo but changing their values has no effect, it's too late!
  • Changing SetTempo event is too late for the MIDI Sequencer (already taken into account). But you can use midiFilePlayer.CurrentTempo to change the tempo
Some examples:
// See TestMidiFilePlayerScripting.cs for the demo.
void Start()
MidiFilePlayer midiFilePlayer = FindFirstObjectByType<MidiFilePlayer>();
midiFilePlayer.OnMidiEvent = PreProcessMidi;
// Some example
bool PreProcessMidi(MPTKEvent midiEvent)
bool playEvent=true;
switch (midiEvent.Command)
case MPTKCommand.NoteOn:
if (midiEvent.Channel != 9)
// transpose 2 octaves
midiEvent.Value += 24;
// Drums are muted
playEvent= false;
case MPTKCommand.PatchChange:
// Remove all patch change: all channels will played the default preset 0!!!
midiEvent.Command = MPTKCommand.MetaEvent;
midiEvent.Meta = MPTKMeta.TextEvent;
midiEvent.Info = "Patch Change removed";
case MPTKCommand.MetaEvent:
if (midiEvent.Meta == MPTKMeta.SetTempo)
// Tempo forced to 100
midiFilePlayer.CurrentTempo = 100
// true: plays this event, false to skip
return playEvent;
MPTKMeta Meta
Definition: MPTKEvent.cs:111
MPTKCommand Command
Definition: MPTKEvent.cs:99
int Channel
Definition: MPTKEvent.cs:181
Definition: MPTKEnum.cs:321

◆ SpatialSynths

List<MidiFilePlayer> MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.SpatialSynths

Contains each Midi Synth for each channel or track when the prefab MidiSpatializer is used and IsMidiChannelSpace=true.
Warning: only one MidiSpatializer can be used in a hierarchy.

Property Documentation

◆ MPTK_IndexSynthBuffSize

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_IndexSynthBuffSize

Set or Get synth buffer size -1:default, 0:64, 1;128, 2:256, 3:512, 4:1024, 5:2048.
The change is global for all prefab. It's better to stop playing for all prefab before changing on fly to avoid bad noise or crash.

◆ MPTK_IndexSynthRate

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_IndexSynthRate

Set or Get sample rate output of the synth. -1:default, 0:24000, 1:36000, 2:48000, 3:60000, 4:72000, 5:84000, 6:96000.
It's better to stop playing before changing on fly to avoid bad noise.

◆ MPTK_InstrumentPlayed

string MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_InstrumentPlayed

If spatialization is track mode, contains the last instrument played on this track.

Maestro Pro

◆ MPTK_IsSpatialSynthMaster

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_IsSpatialSynthMaster

True if this MidiSynth is the master synth responsible to read midi events and to dispatch to other MidiSynths

Maestro Pro

◆ MPTK_KeepPlayingNonLooped

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_KeepPlayingNonLooped

When the value is true, NoteOff and Duration for non-looped samples are ignored and the samples play through to the end.

◆ MPTK_MaxDistance

float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_MaxDistance

If MPTK_Spatialize is enabled, the volume of the audio source depends on the distance between the audio source and the listener. Beyong this distance, the volume is set to 0 and the midi player is paused. No effect if MPTK_Spatialize is disabled.

◆ MPTK_PauseOnDistance

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_PauseOnDistance

[obsolete] replaced by MPTK_Spatialize"); V2.83

◆ MPTK_Spatialize

bool MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_Spatialize

Should the Spatialization effect must be enabled?
See here how to setup spatialization with Unity https://paxstellar.fr/midi-file-player-detailed-view-2/#Foldout-Spatialization-Parameters if MPTK_Spatialize is true:
AudioSource.maxDistance = MPTK_MaxDistance
AudioSource.spatialBlend = 1
AudioSource.spatialize = true
AudioSource.spatializePostEffects = true

◆ MPTK_SpatialSynthIndex

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_SpatialSynthIndex

Index of the MidiSynth for the dedicated Channel or Track when the prefab MidiSpatializer is used.
If MPTK_ModeSpatializer = Channel then represent the playing channel.
If MPTK_ModeSpatializer = Track then represent the playing track.
The value is -1 for the Midi reader because no voice is played.

◆ MPTK_SynthRate

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_SynthRate

Get the the current synth rate or set free value (only if MPTK_EnableFreeSynthRate is true).

◆ MPTK_ThreadMidiPriority

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_ThreadMidiPriority

The MIDI thread’s priority shows how frequently a thread gains the access to CPU. The default value is 0 (normal), you can increase the priority to 1 and 2 (higher).
This is useful when the hardware is weak, to get a more stable reading of the MIDI.

: A higher priority thread might consume all the CPU time. It's recommended to set MPTK_ThreadMidiWait higher than 5 ms.

◆ MPTK_TrackName

string MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_TrackName

If spatialization is track mode, contains the last name of the track .

Maestro Pro

◆ MPTK_TransExcludedChannel

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_TransExcludedChannel

Transpose will apply to all channels except this one. Set to -1 to apply to all channel. V2.89.0
Default is 9 because generally we don't want to transpose drum channel.

◆ MPTK_Transpose

int MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_Transpose

Transpose note from -24 to 24

◆ MPTK_Volume

float MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.MPTK_Volume

Set the global volume between 0 and 1 for the current MPTK Synth.


Event Documentation

◆ OnAudioFrameStart

OnAudioFrameStartHandler MidiPlayerTK.MidiSynth.OnAudioFrameStart

this event is triggered at each start of a new audio frame from the audio engine.

The parameter (double) is the current synth time in milliseconds. See example of use.
The callbach function will not run on the Unity thread, so you can't call Unity API except Debug.Log.

Maestro Pro
// See Assets\MidiPlayer\Demo\ProDemos\Script\EuclideSeq\TestEuclideanRhythme.cs for the full code.
public void Play()
if (IsPlaying)
midiStream.OnAudioFrameStart += PlayHits;
midiStream.OnAudioFrameStart -= PlayHits;
private void PlayHits(double synthTimeMS)
if (lastSynthTime <= 0d)
// First call, init the last time
lastSynthTime = synthTimeMS;
// Calculate time in millisecond since the last loop
double deltaTime = synthTimeMS - lastSynthTime;
lastSynthTime = synthTimeMS;
timeMidiFromStartPlay += deltaTime;
// Calculate time since last beat played
timeSinceLastBeat += deltaTime;
// Slider SldTempo in BPM.
// 60 BPM means 60 beats in each minute, 1 beat per second, 1000 ms between beat.
// 120 BPM would be twice as fast: 120 beats in each minute, 2 per second, 500 ms between beat.
// Calculate the delay between two quarter notes in millisecond
CurrentTempo = (60d / SldTempo.Value) * 1000d;
// Is it time to play a hit ?
if (IsPlaying && timeSinceLastBeat > CurrentTempo)
timeSinceLastBeat = 0d;