MidiPlayerTK::MidiFilePlayer Member MidiPlayerTK.MidiFilePlayer.MPTK_Loop with 2.10.0 MPTK_Loop is deprecated. Please investigate #MPTK_MidiRestart or #MPTK_InnerLoop (Pro) for a better looping accuracy.
MidiPlayerTK::MidiLoad Member MidiPlayerTK.MidiLoad.KeepNoteOff v2.9.0 rather use MPTK_KeepNoteOff
MidiPlayerTK::MidiLoad Member MidiPlayerTK.MidiLoad.MPTK_BPM2MPQN (int bpm) MidiLoad.BeatPerMinute2QuarterPerMicroSecond is deprecated and will be removed. Please investigate MPTKEvent.BeatPerMinute2QuarterPerMicroSecond.
MidiPlayerTK::MidiLoad Member MidiPlayerTK.MidiLoad.MPTK_ConvertTickToTime (long tick) Convert the tick duration to a real time duration in millisecond regarding the current tempo. Please investigate the tempo map capabilities, see #MPTK_TempoMap.
MidiPlayerTK::MidiLoad Member MidiPlayerTK.MidiLoad.MPTK_ConvertTimeToTick (double time) Convert a real time duration in millisecond to a number of tick regarding the current tempo. Please investigate the tempo map capabilities, see #MPTK_TempoMap.
MidiPlayerTK::MidiLoad Member MidiPlayerTK.MidiLoad.MPTK_MPQN2BPM (int microsecondsPerQuaterNote) MidiLoad.QuarterPerMicroSecond2BeatPerMinute is deprecated and will be removed. Please investigate MPTKEvent.QuarterPerMicroSecond2BeatPerMinute.
MidiPlayerTK Member MidiPlayerTK.SetTempo MPTKEvent.Value content with version 2.10.0 - Now MPTKEvent.Duration no longer contains tempo in quarter per minute. Please investigate MPTKEvent.QuarterPerMicroSecond2BeatPerMinute()
MidiPlayerTK Member MidiPlayerTK.TimeSignature MPTKEvent.Value content with version 2.10.0 - Now MPTKEvent.Value no longer contains the numerator and MPTKEvent.Duration the Denominator (all values are merged in MPTKEvent::Value