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Maestro - Midi Player Tool Kit
Salons textuels / 3d-spatialization
Some good news on the MPTK Spatializer side for your VR app. Thank to @FalconEagle who proposed to test Resonance Audio. It's an ambisonic spatializer that works cross platform (Google's Open source project) So far, Maestro MPTK has been tested with these spatializers: ✅ Microsoft HRTF Spatializer (supports UWP and PC running Windows 10). ✅ and Oculus Spatializer. Now Resonance Audio can be added to the list ✅✅✅✅ and it sound very good 😃 (edited)
🎇 The second good news is the capabilities to render 3D sound based on midi tracks, not only channels. The advantage of tracks is that your are not limited to the 16 midi channels. Of course, the midi limitation of 16 instruments simultaneously remains .... but the instruments can change during playing! (edited)
🎁 Third good news, Resonance Audio is also available with the Free version of MPTK but with no 3D scene build with channel or track: each MidiPayer with all instruments have the same position. (edited)
FalconEagle 27/05/2021 21:34
Totally Awesome Achievement Thierry. This make MPTK super flexible into the VR space.
I have the Pro version, is there a way to get a copy of this new addition before it's updated in unity.
Yes, i send you a link, of course it's a beta 😉
Setting for Resonance Audio: 1) Download (here and import the Unity package, 2) In the MPTK Prefab AudioSource (MidiFilePlayer, MidiStream, MidiSpatializer (Pro)....) set the output source to Resonance Audio. (edited)
Thierry pinned a message to this channel. 28/05/2021 04:15
3) Set Resonance Audio in Project Setting / Audio
4) If you are not using the MidiSpatializer prefab ... (edited)
... but with the MidiPlayer or other Maestro prefab, the spatialization is also possible (with the limitation of one 3D position for the source of the sound : the prefab position). Don't forget to set the spatialization setting in the prefab inspector. (edited)
You have to defined these parameters:
5) Now testing DearVR compatibility with Maestro. It's ok, with some precautions: DearVR have low performance when sound generated is based on OnAudioFilterRead (it's the case for MPTK). It's ok for 3 or 4 AudioSource in parallel, not more. Below a very quick tuto: (edited)
5-1) Add the "Dear VR Source" component to the prefab MidiSpatializer and check “Unity Distance Graph”. I also recommend to uncheck "Internal Reverb" for performance reason. (edited)
5-2) On the AudioSource of the MidiSpatializer prefab, set the output to DearVR. (edited)
5-3) Add a DearVR manager somewhere on your scene (edited)
5.4) Set DearVR Audio in Project Setting / Audio Warning : this is not a full test of this plugin, it's only for testing the compatibility with Maestro MPTK. There is a lot of interesting function available with DearVR, please have a look their site. (edited)
Create ultra-realistic acoustic environments in Unity using the number one spatializer plugin with a true-to-life perception of direction, distance, reflections, and reverb | 45 acoustic room presets | multiple reverbs on one source | real-time room analyzer | Adaptable acoustic | Occlusion control | performance mode
Shang_Jitao 18/06/2021 09:02
hello, ThiBach. this is the man who send mails to you these days. I want to know how to create a appoggiatura note through the code.
Appoggiatura don't exist in the MIDI norm. But to create a delay, just add a delay to the note: --> (edited)
// Next note will be played one quarter after the previous absoluteTime += ticksPerQuarterNote; mfw.MPTK_AddNote(track1, absoluteTime, channel0, 61, 50, ticksPerQuarterNote); absoluteTime += ticksPerQuarterNote; mfw.MPTK_AddNote(track1, absoluteTime, channel0, 62, 50, ticksPerQuarterNote); absoluteTime += ticksPerQuarterNote; mfw.MPTK_AddNote(track1, absoluteTime, channel0, 63, 50, ticksPerQuarterNote); (edited)
you will hear three notes at a fixed position for playing, now add the last note of the bar with a small delay --> (with correction) (edited)
absoluteTime += ticksPerQuarterNote); mfw.MPTK_AddNote(track1, absoluteTime + (ticksPerQuarterNote /4), channel0, 63, 50, ticksPerQuarterNote); (edited)
The fourth note will be play with a of delay of quarter/4 (edited)
Shang_Jitao 21/06/2021 04:39
@Thierry Sorry about not online at weekend. Now I see, Thank you.
FalconEagle 08/07/2021 16:28
Please everyone, please vote for this fix which will enable Spatialization to work well.
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" and scene "SampleScene" 2. Enter Play mode 3. In Hierarchy window selec...
FalconEagle 27/04/2022 01:47
I just tested the latest version of Maestro Pro with Unity 2021.3 LTS and DearVR. Windows 10. Example "SpatializeFly" doesnt seem to work and a number of errors popping up. Have to tested this example recently? (edited)
Jake Simpson 27/04/2022 04:08
There is something up with the latest macos / unity. Basically the channel buffer size is misreported. You can change this so the system uses default sizes in the editor, and that makes it work, but if you restart unity, it stops working again. Something that the system does when the defaults are changed makes the system start working again, but it doesn't work from a cold start. I've been looking into this myself recently.
Jake Simpson
There is something up with the latest macos / unity. Basically the channel buffer size is misreported. You can change this so the system uses default sizes in the editor, and that makes it work, but if you restart unity, it stops working again. Something that the system does when the defaults are changed makes the system start working again, but it doesn't work from a cold start. I've been looking into this myself recently.
FalconEagle 27/04/2022 16:33
Thanks Jake, I'm on Windows 10
Steam Audio has been tested with succes! This page is updated if you are interested:
Sound spatialization in a nutshell! On this page, you’ll find detailed instructions on setting up spatialization in Unity, along with how Maestro MPTK can assist you. What Spatialize sound is? Audio Spatializers use “physical” characteristics of a scene, such as the Read more…
Last Steam Audio version 4.5.3 tested with success with Mac and Windows.
Just check this symbols is defined after setup:
And menu is available:
A must have! (edited)
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